I won't try and get any sympathy since I did this to myself but...I'M TIRED! The hardest day of my week is Tuesday. I sleep Monday's from 7AM-12:30PM then I'm up till Tuesday night at 6PM....that's right UP...as in AWAKE...as in NO SLEEPING! I'll do the quick math for you: 29.5 HOURS without night night time! Oh and to make it better - I sleep from 6PM-9PM on Tuesday (that's only 3 hours) and then I'm back at work at 10PM-7AM. Those are very precious 3 hours.
I'm aware, very aware, that this is the schedule I chose to some extent. With the pieces that I had presented to me between the job offers, school, and my internship, this is the best that I could come up with. Surprisingly I do very well on Tuesday's. I'm not the best company by Tuesday afternoon but I'm in class and I participate and I haven't fallen asleep in class yet. It's really the overnight on Tuesday that kills me. I tease my body with a few hours of sleep then I'm up for 9 more hours. I'll do okay till about 4AM and then I end up walking around till 5 just to keep myself up. Once the girls at the house and their babies are up I have a rush of energy. I'm all over the place in the morning so I have just enough energy to get me home before I crash for a few hours and then head to my other job.
Really, the point is...I'm tired! But only a 2.5 months of this and then I'm done!
Hope you're all having a wonderful night! Sleep well :-)
Oh my little ZOMBIE.... Guess what? On Sunday you will be able to sleep the whole way there and possibly the whole way back. Unless the Boys yelling and fighting keep you up. Maybe you should take some Nyquil and call it good!
I'm so sad for you. Sleep has to be one of my absolute FAVORITE things! I used to complain I never get enough of it, but I've never had to endure anything like that...every week. I'm going to think of you every time I get one of those afternoon "mommy time" naps.
Is this even possible?! Wow! And I thought I wasn't getting very much sleep with a new baby! I feel so bad for you! I hope you don't get too worn out! You want to be able to stay awake at gradutaion! ;) Good Luck!
good luck with the no sleep this should be the longest 2.5 months of your life.
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