Saturday, August 29, 2009

Time for school again!!

I have VERY MUCH enjoyed the past 8 months without school. I have loved the time, the sleep, the normal schedule, the ability to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it, it has been FABULOUS! I have been able to get involved the the groups that I volunteer for, spend time with friends, stay up late, sleep in, work normal hours, and read for fun!! It has been WONDERFUL!! I thought I would wait until January to begin a master's program but I guess I just couldn't wait that long. I applied and have been accepted into a master's program at National University in La Jolla, California. I am going to be getting my degree in Public Admin in Non Profit studies and can't wait!! I'm nervous to begin and the flashbacks of the insanity have come full force, but I can't wait forever! In order to run a non-profit, I have to have it - the sooner, the better. Depending on how long it takes me to do my thesis I can be done in as little as 14 months but we shall see if I can do it. I would love to be done by December 2010. Wish me luck!!

Anyone up for a celebration in Cali when I'm done???


Lacy King said...

Wait, are you going to Cali for school then? I am confused, but I am blonde so cut me a break! Also I can not BELIEVE it has been 8 months already. WOW! Time goes by. It is like you are my child or something and I can not believe you are already _______ many years old. :) HA HA HA! I LOVE YOU!

motherofangels said...

You know if you don't get a season pass for disneyland that my mom will absolutely KILL you! No joke! Have fun in the sun and sand :)

Jessi B said...

My program is actually all online for the most part. I have to go out to the university a few times during my program but most of it is done online so I don't actually have to move. I will just have to travel there from time to time.

MichelleMariePhoto said...

that is awesome!!! I just started mine too! Glad you don't have to move! We need to get together it has been far too long!